Yass, let’s hear it from the girls of Glue! With International Women’s Day on March 8, we turned to some of the strongest queens at Glue Store and asked them what it means to be a women.
1. As a woman, how has your experience been working at Glue?
Since I have started working at Glue the workplace environment and the supportive teams across the business have made the experience nothing but enjoyable! Each day I look forward to come into a workspace where I can be myself and know that I am welcome and acknowledged. Having the freedom to express myself in a creative workplace with a team who inspire each other every day makes each day motivating.
2. What do you think the essence of being a women is?
The essence to be a woman in today’s world is having the ability to influence other women to be strong and confident in any environment. From the workplace to everyday life, women have the potential to make a change through their drive for an equal society. We are able to capture the meaning to be a woman through the way we practise our beliefs even if we encounter problems along the way. To me, being a women today makes me feel connected to friends, family and strangers and encourage each other to be bold and brave.
3. How do you strive for a gender equal world?
In today’s world I believe that any effort to work towards gender equality is amazing. I personally strive for a gender equal world by always encouraging other women to be themselves and help ensure they are confident within their own skin in any situation. It is through practising kindness, trust and support within our community it will connect us to like-minded people so we can guide them with our positive presence. By voicing what is means to be a women and taking action to raise awareness with International Women’s Day is a step closer striving for an equal world.
4. Name a women or women who inspire you?
All the women in my family inspire me every day especially my Mum. My beautiful Mum is the person who shapes me to be the person I am today, she encourages me to work hard yet enjoy it along the way. She consistently shows me how to be strong by inspiring me to stand for what is right and to always be kind. Having a close relationship with her has helped me be the women I am today. My mum guides me through life and she influences me to reflect these actions to other women daily.
1. As a woman, how has your experience been working at Glue?
I’m so inspired by the brilliant women I work with at Glue, who excel at their jobs & carry themselves with confidence. As a female POC, I do have a seat at the Glue table where my voice is heard & contributes to commercial decision-making.
2. What do you think the essence of being a women is?
See Julia Gillard’s iconic misogyny speech! Go off queen 👏🏼👏🏼
3. How do you strive for a gender equal world?
Through uplifting others, checking myself for internalised misogyny & by donating regularly to Gunawirra, an Aboriginal young mothers program
4. Name a women or women who inspire you?
Shonda Rhimes, Oprah Winfrey & Jacinda Ardern to name a few.
1. As a woman, how has your experience been working at Glue?
I feel privileged to be a Woman working at Glue. Never have I felt there was a disparity between men and women in our business, everyone has a voice and everyone is listened to and treated with respect. We are close team that doesn’t align ourselves to any hierarchy, everyone is equal.
2. What do you think the essence of being a women is?
I don’t believe I’ve ever let being woman stand in the way of anything I’ve set out to achieve in life, I never felt more courageous or handicapped for being a woman until more recently when I started on my journey to motherhood. I believe the essence of being a woman is being strong, being proud and believing in yourself, no matter what situation you’re presented with.
3. How do you strive for a gender equal world?
Always assessing what can I do next? I think it starts with a positive attitude and it starts with standing by your values, to your friends, your partner and your male colleagues. I definitely have the mindset that we are all equal so I hope that this rubs off on those around me and they have the confidence in themselves to believe it as well.
4. Name a women or women who inspire you?
It’s hard to name just one so I have gone with three women who inspire me, Reese Witherspoon, Stevie Nicks & Layne Beachley.
Here's a little something to get your IWD vibe on.